Success Stories
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“Working with you has been a privilege and worth the investment.”
“I had been trying to get my husband in to counseling forever. Working with Charlie was nothing like he expected. It has saved our relationship and marriage.”
“I have met with counselors who sat passively and that experience was worthless. Charlie is energetic, insightful and action oriented. He truly gets how to work with guys.”
“Charlie was compassionate and helped me restore my self-confidence. I feel healthy, strong and once again have a voice in my relationships and career.”
“Charlie is human and has had his own battles with anger. His book and counseling together absolutely turned my life around. I now have a game plan for managing and improving my life.”
“Charlie’s energy and optimism are contagious. He fills the room with energy and amazingly transforms a group of people to produce extraordinary results. He has a passion for life and for doing the work that he loves.”
“I received helpful guidance in our first conversation and built on that going forward. Charlie was incredible at seeing patterns in my life that weren’t working. He helped me develop new tools and learn to work with them.”
“Charlie has exceptional skills in communicating with people and in motivating change. He is experienced, honest, easy to work with, and passionate about working with others to enhance their lives.”
Free Help
Uprooting Anger is a guide to help you manage anger and work toward uprooting it and its related destructive emotions. Learn more here. You may also purchase Uprooting Anger online.